Thank you.

I am one who does not find practical jokes funny in any way. My son, who suffers from lack of proper male guidance, does this all the time with his coworkers. They all do it.

Yes, I believe you hit the proverbial nail on the head. I instantly feel taken advantage of and intensely distrustful of jokesters.

Thank you for the excellent insights into life.

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Glad this resonated, Gayle. I see a lot of pranks by women now on social media, so maybe it’s not as simple as I make it. But the larger points about not confusing harassment with intimacy still stand.

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My best prank was when me and the tennis team were in the student council lounge and we peed in my buddy’s Pepsi can... he sniffed it for a second , then went for it, he didn’t think it was very funny...

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