Thanks so much for having me Josh! If people are interested, they can also join my newsletter for academics at theboldphd.com/careerslist

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The pleasure was all mine! Really appreciate your insights.

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Very insightful interview. I'd say don't worry about being opinionated. It might tarnish the veneer of objectivity in the eyes of some, but it's more than made up for by readers seeing that you're somebody who isn't detached personally and intellectually. We live in difficult times. People want information, but they also want conviction. That's my two cents, anyway.

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Thanks, Felix! As I've said elsewhere, I came to Substack to be a truth-teller. And I think that is generally valued. Whether it would hurt me if I were actively trying to get another job is perhaps hard to say. But for now I am trying to build something as a content creator that doesn't require me to put on a fake smile. I do see this interview as a turn away from some of the more grief-driven pieces I've done over the last year toward something more practical and possibly actionable for readers of this series. I'll likely continue to write the occasional (or frequent) polemic. But I'd like to be more intentional about balancing critical takes with empowering content, even if I am not a career coach or expert on employability. So we'll see how that goes.

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Truth-telling is the way to go! And I sure don't miss false smiles.

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